Saturday, April 9, 2011

Unit 3 - Rainbow Relaxatin Exercise

1.       Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal well-being), where do you rate your A-physical well-being, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?
A.      My physical well-being as 5
B.      My spiritual well-being as 6
C.      My psychological well-being 6
My mid range ratings are primarily due to me always attending to the needs of others and putting myself last.
2.        The I will set for myself in all three areas would be to take care of my needs so I can be more equipped to help others that are in need.
3.       Exercises and activities I can implement in my life to assist in moving toward
A.      My physical well-being will be to implement a cardiovascular program and continue to modify my eating habits (no sugars and no red meats and increase fruit and vegetable intake)to help stimulate weight loss.  My goal is to loose 30lbs by August without any dietary supplements.
B.      Meditation, prayer, speaking kind words or performing kind deeds for someone each day will help my spiritual well-being.
C.      Thinking positive, reading material that encourages and empowers me will help my psychological well-being.
4.       The Rainbow Exercise was amazingly relaxing.  Again, I had to listen to it about 3 times before I was fully able to relax and follow the exercise.  I felt as if I was floating on a raft and allowing the colors of the rainbow to completely engulf my body. In essence, this was yoga without the physical stretching.


  1. Hi Deborah,

    I find it so interesting that some of us can relax immediately with these exercises and others have to try them several times. I had to try mine two times but only because I fell fully asleep the first time and woke up an hour or more later. It was crazy. I nearly fell asleep the second time as well. I have to say I had a hard time picturing the colors and light coming from my body, I wonder if it was because I was so relaxed I did not even have the strength to imagine the colors. I was glad to see that you did experience the color. I think I will have to try it one more time and see what happens.

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Deborah,
    that is absolutely awesome you experienced the floating from the exercise. I wish I could have felt the same. It will definitely take practice for me. Being healthy in all areas does take practice and dedication. I think once it becomes a habit, it will be easy to continue. It is a learned behavior and requires lots of discipline that I fail at from time to time, just wanting to veg and be lazy. Good luck Deborah. Yvette

  3. Hi Deborah,

    Great post! Its good to rate yourself so that you can see what you need to do in for yourself in your life for your own self improvement. While we look to others to critique us, I think that we are our own best critizers because we know who we are and what we stand for. I love your page and that you-as well as others-have the opportuniy to speak about ourselves through our blog pages. Continue to post as I will like to continue to respond.

